So, you've clicked on this article. You either found it by pure chance or were sent here as part of my attempt to promote it. Well, either way, welcome! If you have no interest in the background of this product or my musings, here's a link: DriveThruRPG
Also, let me put it out there I am no professional and am in fact the opposite. This is the first thing I have ever released as a product and it was fully designed, written, and laid out by me. In other words, it's all crap! well not quite, but it's no Necrotic Gnome project.
I hope you enjoy it!
Before we get into the details of its development let's get into the actual important bits!
What is Low Fantasy Gaming
For those who somehow found this without knowing what LFG is, Low Fantasy Gaming, soon to be Tales of Argosa is best described as a mix of modern 5e adjacent mechanics meshed with the ideals of the OSR in an attempt to bring the theme closer to lower fantasy stories. The system is created by Pickpocket Press and is personally one of my favorite systems. Recently Pickpocket Press has once again been proving their design chops with its newest iteration Tales of Argosa currently in public playtesting. If you somehow have found this and haven't heard of Low Fantasy Gaming, then ignore this and grab the free PDF of LFG on DriveThruRPG.
This is not an LFG review (That comes later 😉), but I cannot talk about Fate's Ransom without singing the praises of the system it's built for.
What is Fate's Ransom
Fate's Ransom is my attempt to create a go-to packet for any Game Master who wishes to include Janus in their LFG Game. It includes the following.
I designed it with the potential to expand into a series that covers each Roman god. One of my main wishes for the Rumored Midlands Box Set is to have a more comprehensive list of deities and stats for using them as a Cultist. Currently, the set of rules only provides a list of five example gods, which are well-designed. In fact, I stole the format from them because I liked the design so much. However, I felt there should have been more, so I put pen to paper/fingers to keyboard and took a stab at it, and that's where Fate's Ransom came from. Except only having stats for a patron is too simple, I had to push back releasing this for 5+ months to write up a full adventure framework featuring a Pilgrim of Janus while pulling obscure art from the public domain for it.
So with that said, enjoy the fruits of my labor. If you appreciate it or simply want to support/pity a 20-something white male who can afford college, leave a review, or even better, drop me a dollar or two on Fate's Ransom.
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